Ready for a change & a few bumps to freedom

Wow is all I can say right now.  Wow wow wow! Strange isn't it my readers don't hear from me & now this.

Thing is I just typed out an amazing blog & one wrong swipe of the keys & lost the whole darn thing!  Well here we go again.

I'm feeling a deep desire to move forward to help women.  I desire to offer women's circles in my home to pamper them with Mary Kay & homemade products & goods & to generally help women feel better about themselves. No energy vampires though thank-you!

How did I get to this point of wanting change?  Simply knowing I needed to.  Buying everyone's services & not promoting my own.  So here's what i'm offering:

A chance to connect through more regular blogs & maybe some videos

A free Mary Kay pampering facial/event to meet great women & have fun

Recipes & health tips (My inspirations:  Nichole Kellerman Wurth, Kris Carr, Green Smoothie Challenge & Jessica Alba of The Honest Company & author of The Honest Life)

A dedication to finishing my aromatherapy training & in the meantime offering to make a few items such as room/linen spray, facial spray & basic lotion to try for health & beauty.

Information I learn on nature walks about plants & their healing.

A dedication to learning about herbology & the medicinal properties of plants & nutrition.

In the near future healing custom made products with a focus on nutrition.  One day this could be intuitive nutrition coaching.

May you all be inspired & live from your intuition.  As the Dalai Lama says "The world will be set free by the Western woman."  Thanks Nisha Moodley www.nishamoodley.




Figuring out where i'm at.

Hello to the world of bloggers & readers! I am Karen Cherniak, a White Rock resident & grocery store employee. I sell Mary Kay, have great faith in myself, God & the world & am still trying to figure myself out in my mid-forties.

I have a wonderful coach who encourages me.  It's so great to get in touch with my angels, my inner wisdom & where I feel God is leading me.  I take bellydance & am enjoying life.

Over the years I have struggled with moving onto healthier relationships & needing a lot of isolation.  I have friends yes, but with a hectic job & a nervous mind, I really felt the need to slow down.

So how do we get from being stuck in mid-life to getting back in touch with our childhood/teenage dreams?  What did you want to do?

A very helpful book on this topic is "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron.  She gets you into doing morning pages (3 pages of stream of consciousness writing) & artist playdates where you gather supplies, go outside & have fun or whatever.

I took a creative step this afternoon &  baked cupcakes. I also felt the need to go walking but needed a chance to get more creative.  For me it is hard to get out the door.

Sit outside in nature & have your coffee.  Gently stretch or do some dancing at home.

I am feeing a need to write & sit but now I've gotten a call to go out!

So I have much to say & this story will be continued.

Just take it one day, one joyful moment at a time. And enjoy little surprises, such as my call to go out in 5 minutes.


Karen :)




Amazing day by DECISON

Hey all & Happy Summer!

Had a fab day, decided what the hey!

Actually through Facebook, came across a cool link which led me to  There is a Credo she has about "making it happen."

So many of us are looking for our souls, our inner spirit, our God, The Secret, The Secret behind the Secret, The Way, The Power & The Path.

We KNOW who we are, or at least we used to.  Think back to when you were little, what did you want, who were you?

God knows us.  He made us, and created us, He knows our hearts.

What is my purpose?  Well it's been a "soul-search" for me.  A silly search.  Buying too many books, materials, buying colored pens, notebooks, even stickers & cupcake & art supplies.

I know i am creative.  So i made cupcakes today that were pretty, but hard like hockey pucks. LOL  I went to the beach, wrote a paragraph & looked at my cake pops book.

I wanted to be a baker, floral artist, artist, writer, dancer, teacher, nurse when i was young.  I wanted to be a fairy, angel or child of the forest.

But who are you really?  Who are you today?  I know i can sing.  I like to dance.  I love to write.  I chat endlessly, and always have something spinning through my mind, and can't get the words out fast enough.

So my gift is self-expression.  To write, blog, post (useful info).  Then to write, blog, write a book on what i have learned.  How i'm pursuing my passions.  Who inspired me.  How i'm transitioning.  Why i'm waking up.

I upgraded my WordPress site Pink Lemons to  Now i want to play and make the site more fun & creative!  It looks boring to me now.

I want to keep working on my book.  Make it fun.  Exciting.  Passionate.

Danielle La Porte gave me the kick i need to sit down & get practical.  What are my passions?  What ignites me?

What can i do today/this week to do more of what i love/less of what i don't? (Made cupcakes, had coffee on the beach/wrote, looked at cake pops cookbook, practiced a few words/sentences in Spanish).  Upgraded blog, then wrote a happy blog post.  This week, looking into promoting myself/branding, etc.

Have fun with this!  Who are you?  For me i know i am a writer.  Why don't i do it?  Because it comes naturally.  I don't walk down the street & expect people to say "Wow you breathe so well!"  It is very hard for me to pat myself on the back & say "I"m a good writer", because it is just easy for me.

I have had a number of people over the past 5-7 years telling me i have a way with words.  A gift, a talent, to use it.  I have been very humble, like oh thanks, bashful smile.

I still struggle along in my career trying to get ahead, and not.  So therefore, it is time to start pursuing my dream.

Expect more blog posts from me.  I also plan to sign out the Writer's Way, and look into submitting articles, and finishing that dang book!  WOOT!


Change of seasons & getting energy back

Hello All!

I thought i would do a little blogging today.  I am not the most frequent writer, and here I am now, writing when i am sick!

We have been having a very cold, rainy winter here in Vancouver, BC.  I have also had the wonderful good luck to go down to Arizona in November.  By the time i got back, i was sneezing from the cold.

We did have some nice days in January/February.  If you can believe it, back in January the bus driver & passengers saw people out on the ocean windsurfing!  Way too cold for that now.

I know how hard it is not to want to get everything done even when we're sick.  I myself have to go out, and don't like going out when i'm sick.  Sometimes you just need the essentials, mine being quarters for laundry!

In this cold weather, or wherever you are, lets try to remember in the transition of the seasons  not to feel like we still have to be perfect all the time, get everything done.  I think the conflicting weather here in Vancouver of rain, snow, wind, sun (we get it all!) makes it very easy for colds/coughs to come in.

Let's make this transition into spring not a fight, even though the elements seem resistant here to spring.  Me i've been wearing my raincoat, maybe one reason i'm sick.  As i write this, i'm so cold, i'm actually sitting here with my winter coat & hat on!

Have a great night!




Brownie dreams (finding your little child within)

I am going through emails & came across this little story i wrote about 6 months ago! Entertaining & cute!  Go forward & find your inner little girl & childhood wonders.

In all the seriousness of life, it's fun to play sometimes.........



Long ago there was a little child.  A little girl well on her way to growing up & growing older, as the years went by.  She was bored and discouraged.  It seemed she had lost her childlike ways and was becoming too adult-like.

How do I find my childhood heart again she asked?  How can I dream the dreams I’ve always dreamed?  I’m not ready to be older yet.  What should I do?

The day was mildly sunny, cooler than most summer days.  The sky was bright but she was bored.  Hmm, what can I do today to explore she asked?

She puttered around her home, cleaning her room, making her bed, carefully resting her favorite teddy bear on top of the sheets.  She went and sat on her bed and started to think.

Hmm, I used to be a brownie.  I loved the childhood stories I read as a little girl.  Maybe I should go into the woods and explore.  It’s almost like nature is talking to me out there, saying come and explore, come and see me for a visit.

So quickly before wasting anymore time, Lily set off to go find a nice area to explore.  She packed her lunch of a peanut butter & strawberry jam sandwich, apple, and chocolate snack.  She grabbed her bottle of water and set out for a little trek.

Walking out of her home, she set towards an area of trees.  Hmm, I don’t believe in magic, and I don’t want any silliness, Lily said.  I certainly don’t want to be likeAlicein Wonderland, and fall down a hole.  But I am looking for fun.  I don’t want to get lost for days, I simply want to be happy again and explore.

Lily set into the wooded area, and walked around.  She saw many trees, dandelions, and small sticks and stones on the ground.  As she walked further, paths started to unfold and the mystery of the woods began to settle in and sing to her soul.

Lily soon came to an open space where many flowers were, and lots of open space and grass.  She decided this would be a lovely spot to eat her lunch, so she laid down her blanket and began to eat.  Soon she saw a lovely white rabbit appear.  No!  I’m notAlice, Lily said, I am NOT chasing this rabbit!

It was okay though, as Lily saw other animals around but not too many.  She was certainly not in a Disney movie either.  Lily chuckled to herself at the silliness of it all, and finished her lunch, and continued to walk around.

Now as Lily was walking she soon saw some little flags in the ground.  Very small, really.  She wondered why they were there.  Hmm.  Sooner down the trail, she saw another, and a little package lying there.  She was tempted to open it, but went on.  I don’t want any tricks she said!  Maybe it’s a silly fairy trying to trick me!  I don’t believe in voodoo!

So Lily continued to walk and as she was walking she heard noises and laughing.  She was kind of scared to move forward, not knowing what was going on.  So much for my quiet soulful walk she thought.  As she carefully moved forward, she saw many children and a few adults all dressed in Brownie uniforms!

Some were dancing with fairy wands, some angel wings.  Many were running around with small maps, finding little brightly wrapped packages like the one Lily just saw!  But they hadn’t found the package Lily saw yet.  The children were opening little gifts of crafts, a treat, a little Brownie book, or cute story.  Lily became very sad as she wasn’t included, and went to go sit under a tree nearby.

Soon, as Lily was looking off into the sunset, and wishing she could disappear, some of the children came over.  Hello, they cried!  Hi, Lily said hestitantly, are you Brownies?

Yes, they replied, but we saw you and you look sad.  What is wrong?

Oh, my name is Lily, and I’m bored.  I’m growing up too fast, and realized I had to come out and have some fun.  You all sure look like you’re having a lot of fun!

Yes, we certainly are, said Sarah, one of the Brownies.  Come join us, and we’re still looking for one last treasure, somewhere behind us in the woods.  We can’t find it.

Oh, said Lily, I found something behind me not too far back.  Maybe this is the treasure.  The girls went back and sure enough it was the package Lily had found and did not open.  Yes, this is the spot Lily said.  I thought a silly fairy had left this package, so I left it there, as I do not trust things I don’t know.  Well Lily, Sarah said, I’m sure this is okay.  It’s part of our treasure hunt.  Since you found it first, you may have it.

Wow, said Lily, I can’t wait to open it.  Sure enough when Lily opened it, it told the story of how to find your lost inner brownie.  Lily was so happy, and although she didn’t join the Brownies, as she was getting older!, she continued to remember who she always was as a child, and kept having fun.





Rest, quiet & healing

Hello All! I am a bit of a lapsed writer, or overworked person i feel yearning to write more! This is just a little post about finding peace in the midst of being overwhelmed, tired & finding your voice again.

This is also a very quiet time of the year for me at my job. I am finding some life experiences of mine have been quite painful recently, and i am learning to trust God more in my life.

Trusting God is like learning to swim, or staying afloat. He gives me the life raft but often i am so focused on what's underneath me or lies ahead of me, i can't focus on what i have now, lose my gratitude or dwell.

Sometimes pain, loss, or even just detaching to grow is so important. I'm realizing that a lot of what i think i've lost isn't, i just am stuck in my old habits, and am blocking my future, freedom, and maturity to grow in friendships.

I will just close to say i have been reading Story of a Soul by St. Therese of LIsieux. In the book she talks about her experiences at Christtmastime & how even in her early teens, she still longed to see her shoes filled with little treats. She came to realize that as a young girl, deeply wishing to serve God in a religious vocation, her feelings, emotions, and need for attention needed to be left behind with her childish ways.

I still feel that way even at 41, focusing on what i don't have, what i want, how i want relationships to turn out, etc. I'm so busy focusing on thinking i "need" that caramel macchiato, new magazine or contact with an old friend, i lose my focus on what God is showing me i need to work on now.

I have recently finished watching Louise Hay's movie "You can Heal Your Life", and i plan to watch Debbie Ford's movie "Shadow Effect", in which you can do Shadow work to improve ourselves.

May we always focus on gratitude, love others, and take care of ourselves more. By looking at ourselves with love, and letting God in, life does transform itself, and we can make the transition from caterpillar into butterfly. :)

Newness & recovering from old habits

Hello all & Happy New Year! This is my first post of 2012 and i can say i have seen small changes taking place.

I see a colder winter, and more rain coming in this month.  It is definitely a time to catch up on old things, making a soup i haven't had time to, enrolling for Spanish lessons.  I would love to save money to see a play again, i have been catching up with old movies watching them on netflix.

It is time to reassess my past year of 2011.  It was filled with a lot of mourning & letting go of emotional attachments.  However i have seen the fruit of letting go, it is helping me to connect more with God, and the strength of the woman inside me dying to get out & live, but to live humbly, gently, graciously, and with sensitive, quiet emotion.

Detachment has been hard as i have felt a lot of anger & pain.  However think of Christ on the cross.  My emotions are so small compared to what he must have felt.  I am also starting a new meditation book by Sarah Ban Breathnach, called Simple Abundance & it is very helpful.  I am also re-starting a workbook of creativity, called The Artist's Way, it has been amazing.

So as we journey into this new year, we all have expectations, resolutions & aspirations.  I was reading in Sarah's book about aspiring rather than having to feel we need so many resolutions.  That is a lot of pressure, and already i feel pressure from my family, about getting in shape again.

It's okay to go through our feelings of pain.  It is okay to want to eat well, spend a little more, or to have our tendencies & temptations.  However in the world we are living in now, health is backsliding & money is deteriorating in these uncertain times.

May we turn back to God, even if it is a very slow journey, and rely on Him first.  Sure it is easy to spend money, eat too much when detaching, but as we rely on God more & His will for our lives, He will help to heal us.

Have a great January everyone!  All the best in 2012. :)





Crazy creation & newness

Hello All! Interesting topic isn't it?  Crazy creation?  What does that mean?  And newness.  Yes i certainly need some newness in my life.

I was at a shop today in Langley, looking at an artist's painting set for about 10 bucks!  Really cheap & a lot in the set.  I don't paint, but am yearning to create something new.

I just posted a few comments on my FB wall.  As per when my emotions run high, or i end up off the phone with a close fam member, things get a bit sticky.  I guess that's just the simple fact that our families are the closest ones to us.

Clearly newness isn't just about a painting set, or writing a book, it's about creating something new from something old.  Taking a new habit & creating something healthier, and more productive.  Or simply accepting something as it is, flaws & all.

Guess that will take a lot of work, accepting life's flaws, as well as acknowledging mine too.  Even trying to re-paint a new piece of old furniture won't always work.  Sometimes just a little dressing up, and adding a ribbon of newness is most helpful.

Last night someone brought me some potatoes from our garden.  They were delicious, but not perfect!  Sometimes just taking a situation & creating something productive out of it is so fruitful!  Like me for example.  I'm not going to keep posting on FB, so i went online & blogged.

So speaking of maturity now, it's time to bury my hatchet & start anew day by day!  Take two! Lord help me to hold my tongue and to live in blessed acceptance & loving-kindness.

Always remember 1Corinthians 13, where it speaks of the greatest commandment as being love.  Blessings, peace, and gratitude to you all :)!

Simple, fun days

Hello fellow Pink Lemon's blogger's! I haven't blogged in a long time, so thought i would write a quick post. My day was very simple, consisting of a four hour work shift, a little grocery shop, banking & lunch out. I went to the library, and printed out some info, and got yet another fab book, "Failing Forward" by John C. Maxwell.

My late afternoon consisted in waiting for the bus, and coming home to doddle before going to a play. An excellent & hilarious play, a spoof on nuns, called Nunsense! Incredibly entertaining! Although actresses, the play shows how nuns get into trouble just like we do, only they have more of a sense of humor about their flaws. They dream bigger dreams too, to be a stage actress, trapeze artist or ballet dancer. Yet they value purity of heart, honesty, love & caring for each other & striving to be more evolved on the spiritual path & helping others, than fame, fortune or great status. "Humility is truth."

Something to to think about: Where do you need to give up status, wealth or great standing in your community? Do you like to serve others or yourself? I certainly can be self-centred, although i think i'm a peace-loving, hippie yoga-mentality (not yoga practicing) kind of girl. I go to church & confession regularly, but make me mad, or insult me or verbally assault my pride, and my good-girl reputation can easily go out the window, with a bit of a tongue-lashing on my part.

Ok, maybe i'm not that bad. But i'm not that great either. Insecurity is a deep wound, deeply imbedded inside my happy-go-lucky persona. What wounds do you need to heal?

I like to help people, and see myself as a people person. My goal in life is to help people & be creative, but i tend to talk about my own story. Sure that's part of having a blog, but what's your story? What are your dreams?

I would LOVE to swim with the dolphins, take acting & singing classes & learn to flamenco dance. I want to take Spanish classes & see the Macchu Piccu one day in Peru. Please email me with your thoughts & goals about what you want to achieve. I have many resources to direct you to, and one BIG goal of mine is to finish writing my book. :) I"m a bit modest though, i like to keep that one under wraps.

See you all on the journey..............GOD BLESS! HUGS! :)

Coffee, facebook & an ordinary life

Hi Everyone! I know i don't blog nearly enough, but here i go again! :)  Almost February, and i am getting ready again for working late, the coffee pot on & the Facebook status updating looming in my head.

What should i say?  Should i have coffee before or after my shower?  Should i have it at my desk or on the couch?  What should i say on Facebook, to sound "intelligent" or "cute" and make people think how much fun i am? :)

Life is just an ordinary day.  I am reading a book called Hand Wash Cold, about a lady who talks about getting over a break-up & just learning to heal, and living an ordinary life.  Kind of like Eat, Pray, Love, except she didn't take off to go find herself.

For me life is just day by day.  I wish i could have more energy at work to be more "on the ball" or "entertaining".  Sometimes i won't stop talking! :)  I love to blog as it helps me to get my energy going.

Speaking of that energy, i think i will go have that coffee.  And my shower.  And if i come back online again before work, i think i'll refrain from the status updates, and just write.  Perhaps with my coffee in hand again.

Be true to yourself.  And especially with our thoughts, don't think too much!  Don't let them take you captive.  Go with the flow.  Be natural.  Be happy.




Sidetracked with too many little rocks

Well i have not blogged for a while.  Here i am coming back again.  I am debating about whether to put on a movie & coffee, or finish the chai in the pot & meditate, do yoga or say my rosary. Do you ever feel like you have too many choices?  Too many emotions with an automatic "how dare you" response when someone just offers constructive critiicsm?  As people we just have to accept other's personality types for what they are.  Some people are more critical, i tend to be more emotional so a tad of criticism for my own good, can really light my fuse.

I also feel sidetracked by others needs while trying to find myself.  I love knowing new business opportunities, etc that other people are pursuing, but i find trying to buy other people's new products & goodies overwhelming, when i'm trying to decide where my gifts are & how i can use them, while paying the essential monthly bills, putting food on the table, and not having extra cash!

I love hearing about new business ideas, i sell Mary Kay once in a while.  I have a new, positive mindset to pursue my passion of writing, making aromatherapy products & blogging, along with belly & flamenco dancing & singing.  I adore the Mary Kay company to help other woman while pursuing our own dreams.  How exciting & motivating!

In my Mary Kay business I have  had a big dream to go all the way to the top & to become a Director.  Being an entrepreneur is a personal journey & I intend to pursue my creative career as well & put my Mary Kay into action helping my sisters, raising money for cancer & woman's shelters, and taking each day & moment one gentle step at a time.  No more racing.

A"pie-in-the-sky" mentality of strong motivation and hard work is hard for me as a natural introvert.  Although i have had some struggles with connection & moving forward in my personal business ventures, PLEASE get to know yourself first, and where your talents & skills REALLY lie.

I guess like i said i have been sidetracked.  Sidetracked from my goals for instance, with buying everyone's "stuff", and not getting in touch with "who i am" & pursuing that path honestly.

I went to a study group yesterday & it says we can only juggle so many balls.  Like three instead of five.  Pick three activities you're interested in, and stop trying to do it all.  The superwoman mentality is exciting, but not very realistic in terms of juggling.  Hello burnout, & no money! :)

I know i like to sing, dance & write, but my talent lies mostly with writing.  I have wracked my brain with The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, and come up with my talents as writing, singing, kids, prayer & dance.  My talents are simple & childlike, the dreams that are hard to make a living at, but nevertheless, just who i know myself to be.

I made healthy cupcakes 3 weeks ago!  I loved to bake as a child, but i know i will not be a baker & run a cupcake shop.  I like candy, sugar free i have tried, but i do not envision myself as a low-sugar choclatieress as in the movie "Chocolat."  (Her chocolates were definitely not low sugar!) :)

I know to thine own self be true.  Writing for me is it right now.  I believe i might have a bit of stage fright, and not enough skill, so to go out & sing would not be realistic for me.  I wanted to be an actress as a child or a model, but i always knew or came to know as a child that a high profile world was not for me.

Pursue little things we are good at.  Often when we have a dream, it takes a while.  Some people are just naturally more out-going, able to act, entertain, or pursue an independent wealthy business career.

I try to be more humble, simple & childlike.  Pursuing a writing career is hard for me to do, eating too much humble pie.

Don't let those little rocks or silly petty arguments distract us with family or friends.  Let's pursue the path to peace, and bury our egos.  Stay true to your self, and face the bigger goals with a higher purpose first.

My goal to write more, and one day finish my book! :)

A late night post before bed

Hi All! Here i am being up on the computer late at night. Bored of playing Farmville, and having my computer crash every 2 seconds. I need to install the new computer soon, but i guess this will have to do for now. Technology is too fast, and too addictive! LOL

I am off this week until Sunday. Happy but a bit bored. It is almost like i'm rebelling, playing games, sleeping in, dishes in the sink, clutter on my desk & sofas. This will not last I PROMISE! LOL

I feel i am trying to rediscover myself & where i'm going with my free time when i get these "mini-holidays." Then sometimes i stress about work. Change is hard i know.

Funny thing in my life too. When a tele-marketer keeps dialing my number & i answer so i can ask them to put me on the DO NOT CALL LIST, I can hardly wait to deal with it & move on to the next task.

Empathy for instance is a hard skill to learn.  I know i lack empathy too sometimes. Serving people is very important.

I know life is hard. For all of us i know. To listen when we're tired is very hard. Chocolate helps! I made brownies tonight! Icing sugar sweetens it up, too much sugar in my diet already! Sans icing!

Change is not easy, but we can all do it one gentle step at a time. Sometimes i feel or rather know, in my recovery, church groups, etc, i need them more than once a week. We all do. I often feel no matter where i am, it is a competition for the conversation. Everyone wants a piece of cake, pie, to be heard.

Timing is hard. Let us put God first/Higher power, etc. We don't have to be perfect. I know i don't have to make morning mass every morning i'm not working, but my recovery i have to work every day.

Co-Dependency is very hard to heal. As i said chocolate helps! LOL Creativity, a smile, and the courage to step outside ourselves & be less selfish.

You know how i said we all want a piece of pie, cake, our chance to share? Let's think about something:

What about the shy person who has no social skills?

What about the person who wants to talk but lacks the skills?

What about the kids with autism that are bullied, or encouraged to be quiet?

What about the women in other countries where one wrong comment can lead to punishment or execution?

What about giving a voice to the voiceless?

Let's speak up for others, animals & nature.  For health & healing & a unity among all faith backgrounds & cultures. Especially at this time of year, as we prepare for a very cold winter in Vancouver.

Let's help the homeless. Let's speak up about child pornography, violence in our communities, and kids on the street (Covenant House is a great organization!). Let's help get kids off the street who are vulnerable to trafficking. The Body Shop has a great campaign to help end human trafficking.

Let's listen to each other. Sure take a piece of pie, but give voice to the voiceless too. They are just like us, we just need to listen.

Fall, leaves, chilling warmth, and baking

Hi All! It's been a bit of a long while since my last blog.  Clearly i have some catching up to do. :)

What inspired me to write again was a picture on my profile of a little child jumping into the leaves.  Remember doing this? :)  I remember just loving to step on a dead leaf & hear it crunch, or to find a green leaf & crunch off the dead edge.  It's something about hearing that "crunch" that made me feel alive.

I'm sure all of us now are feeling a "crunch" & it doesn't always make us feel alive.  Me, my bills are coming up & business at work is slow.  I find myself "catching up" & it's not fun.  I have other things i want to do, like to take flamenco dancing lessons for instance.

Things i really want to do i'm finding, are having to be put on hold.  Making my chili, for example. :(  For a while i was working so much, renos in my home, and just not enough time or money to do the cooking.  Now i am feeling the total need to just rest.  A lady by the name of Catherine Doherty founded an organization called Madonna House, and she calls this desert season "Poustinia".

There are Poustinia houses where one can go fast, rest & pray for 24 hours.  I like that idea, although being separated makes me feel like quarantine.  This is not so!  These women live in community, and poustina is an excellent time of rest needed, not to be excluded from their community.  It is their choice with the help of a spiritual director.

I wouldn't say i'm totally in a desert place, but i am finding the need to surrender.  People can't control me and i can't control them.  Many people care too much about me, either trying to control me for my own good, or others getting mad that i'm being controlled & not approving of the structure some of my friends provide.  Oh i pray that we just may all come to a mutual understanding.  Even myself when i feel i am being disciplined sometimes.

This season is great for change.  Tough yes, but now i realize i don't have to be sad.  I have people that are changing their lives, and i am feeling lonely.  But with my faith in Christ on my side, i know i am never alone.

I can seek him in a very special chapel at my local church.  I went for a lovely healing walk this afternoon.  It is warm, but crisp & i feel like i'm still experiencing the summer.

I am excited to keep on with my new hobbies.  I am learning Spanish & having a blast doing it!  There is a Writer's Fest coming up this weekend which i hope to attend, and i am craving to make an apple pie.

Right now i have a cherry dream cake to make.  Dreams in my heart, goals to follow, a spirituality to develop & cherish, and most important just to make life a bowl of cherries & see the good in change.  To embrace it, not worry, and know that God will always work to keep everything together, friends, goals & life.

May we all cherish each other & our dreams more.  Not to push ourselves too hard.  To dream more & eat more cherries. :)

Pink Lemons

Hello Everyone & Welcome to my new blog! :) I am sitting in my apartment, about to go visit a friend.  My day has been nice & relaxing, i felt a great need to sleep this morning.

My work day was busy yesterday, and i was so tired!  I am so grateful that in the midst of my busy schedule at work i am able to make it to mass every week.  It makes me so much more centred!

I am becoming addicted to International Delights Creamer.  But i know i am just trying to enjoy life a bit more.  Some things we will never fully give up.  It is about balance.

I watched the movie Peaceful Warrior last night, and in the interviews afterwards, Dan Millman says health is just about having a balanced meal & exercise, and sleep.  He doesn't say in there that he never has chocolate, or eats just organic fruits & veggies.  It's true what he says about balance.  I'm sure a cupcake or piece of pie is good along with International Delights creamer, but exercise, sleep, and not living on a diet of ice cream are obviously very important no matter how much we practice "The Secret" or Rhonda Byrne's new book "The Power." which i am currently reading.

Eat, Pray & Love.  So true.  The movie & the book.  I am waiting until her new book "Committed" comes out in paperback before i read it.  I think life is also about being flexible, and believing in ourselves despite our injuries, bank accounts, age, wrinkles, gray or in my case sometimes frizzy hair.

I always wanted wavy hair and it was straight when i was young.  Now mine is wavier, but on days i run out the door early to work without time for a shower, or out to meet a friend, it can be a bit wavy, not just flat.  I said to someone at work yesterday, my hair is so frizzy, she said "No it's just got a nice wave to it."

We don't need to be so hard on ourselves.  I myself would love to lose another ten pounds, and women i know struggle with this too.  Some of us are out there trying boot camp when we're not ready, then frustrated when we pull a muscle.  I know it's not always good to just tone up right away to lose that weight, but i know intensive cardio really tightens the muscles.

I myself like yoga.  Gentle flow.  It's funny i have two easy flow DVD's which i've done, and i feel ready for a higher level.  Then again my neck is sore off & on, and after working a long week, i feel really sore & tired.  Just do some gentle stretches & wake up the body.  I think for me yoga or swimming is the best way before getting into cardio to lose that weight.

I have actually made it to the gym a few times!  Yay!  It's hard to get that energy up right away, so exhausting!  But one step at a time, and as much as i want to, i think the weights should be avoided until i get my energy up.

I don't think i will ever completely give up my coffee & ice cream.  Certainly not my teas! :)  Coffee is something i have learned to love & certainly International Delights, makes it yummy!  But don't be too hard on ourselves & remember to make our lives yummy!

Plant a seed, grow a new crop, and remember to make lemonade out of lemons.  I  like to refer to it as Pink lemons (seeing lemons out of pink colored glasses).

Love you all & wishing you Pink Lemons!  (Opportunity!)

My first blog post.

Hi Everyone! I have been told i should start blogging so here i will go!  I can't wait to express myself more freely rather than on just Facebook.  Here people can  click on the link when they wish & read about my journey.

Today was a mediocre day for me.  I was kinda down.  I feel out of touch with some close friends & it's really been bothering me.  I was a bit sad about it today.

I did my best to serve people today but felt drained for the first part of the morning.  My coffee, lemon pastry & banana was a little pick-me-up.  I prob needed a cold shower, and a run around the building, more importantly!

Life is what it is, and i am who i am.  After all the inconveniences in life I'm still standing strong, sitting & lazing around at the end of the day often with my best friends Netflix & Keurig & sometimes my most unwelcome friend Cry.  I think I need some new friends Yoga, Yogi & Chai Tea, and True Gratitude, along with regular dance parties & more social time with girlfriends to have a great meal.

Life is what you make it & lemons do make lemonade. A good point to remember when life throws us a wrench, inconvenience or sourpuss, myself included. :)

I have often heard i don't need to worry so much, the problem is usually not about us.  If it was, i probably wouldn't be alive anymore, so why do i stress so much.  Give me the chocolate!  LOL  The one with antioxidants please.

I am happy to say i made it to the gym tonight, and i want to start doing more fun exercise, like dancing.  I can't wait.  I'm taking a singing class on Tuesday, i'm just trying to get more inspired to fill the pain of my loneliness.

I'm also dying to make a lemon meringue pie.  I can't wait!  My chariot arrives to take me to bed, and i need sleep, so good night all.  Happy dreams, attitudes & customers! :)

Karen :)