Hello All! Interesting topic isn't it? Crazy creation? What does that mean? And newness. Yes i certainly need some newness in my life.
I was at a shop today in Langley, looking at an artist's painting set for about 10 bucks! Really cheap & a lot in the set. I don't paint, but am yearning to create something new.
I just posted a few comments on my FB wall. As per when my emotions run high, or i end up off the phone with a close fam member, things get a bit sticky. I guess that's just the simple fact that our families are the closest ones to us.
Clearly newness isn't just about a painting set, or writing a book, it's about creating something new from something old. Taking a new habit & creating something healthier, and more productive. Or simply accepting something as it is, flaws & all.
Guess that will take a lot of work, accepting life's flaws, as well as acknowledging mine too. Even trying to re-paint a new piece of old furniture won't always work. Sometimes just a little dressing up, and adding a ribbon of newness is most helpful.
Last night someone brought me some potatoes from our garden. They were delicious, but not perfect! Sometimes just taking a situation & creating something productive out of it is so fruitful! Like me for example. I'm not going to keep posting on FB, so i went online & blogged.
So speaking of maturity now, it's time to bury my hatchet & start anew day by day! Take two! Lord help me to hold my tongue and to live in blessed acceptance & loving-kindness.
Always remember 1Corinthians 13, where it speaks of the greatest commandment as being love. Blessings, peace, and gratitude to you all :)!