Comeback Kid

Hello everyone! I am Karen Cherniak & i am titling this post “Comeback Kid”. I get so distracted with life, emails & a busy job, its a wonder I’ve still decided to keep this blog up & running as i’m so inactive in it.

But you see, writing is my passion & a dream never dies. My heart keeps yearning to keep on expressing itself, i also like to sing, and have a huge desire to develop that skill. I feel like a Comeback Kid, because i’m still bound & determined with all these hurdles to keep my head high & my dreams strong, mainly putting them into action.

As you can probably tell from my lack of posting, engaging in my Facebook group Portal to the Heart of the Wild Rose & behaving like a shrinking violet, action & confidence are not my strong suit. Yes, i am in a very busy job, and information overload has taken over my life.

Doing simple chores like taking out the garbage, laundry & eating properly (if eating a proper meal at all), have taken a toll on my energy. Overwhelm has really taken its toll on me, but taking responsibility for my life is my only ticket to freedom.

So i’ve decided to take small steps. Last year was a huge overhaul, and inspired by the documentary The Minimalists and Marie Kondo’s book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and having my home renovated, i purged so much in my home i didn’t need, and my home is now so modern & fresh!

In the middle of a pandemic & working full-time in a busy grocery store, having energy to move forward has been extremely tough. I am so fortunate to have a side hustle, Mary kay and our Zooms have helped me to learn new ideas & engage more online with people.

I am glad to have engagement with my customers at work as i am a Cashier, and we all try to be there for each other. What a gift of developing closer bonds with people, even behind these crazy masks & not feeling heard, so frustrating!

I feel i have not been properly hearing my own inner voice of wisdom & truth properly. So the courage to come on here & write & be honest about my shortcomings & passion to change, i hope will inspire otheres to know they are never alone & I am here for you always.

I am proud to say i have gone through emails & lots of computer data & feel i have cleared it out to the best of my ability. Information overload has always stood in the way of my developing my creativity & i feel it is now time to get my work out into the world.

I will focus a little on my blog & Facebook group from time to time, but will focus most of my energy on developing my Mary Kay business as i want to engage with my mentors & colleagues there more & learn to work from home more often. I did want to come onto my blog though & say i have been doing lots of reading on feminine wisdom & healing & the energy of the colors blue & violet & i feel it is really going to help me ground into my heart & energy more.

I do truly love my blog & will keep it going. I feel now is the time to transition into developing into a butterfly now & finally learning to fly! I have been a caterpillar for too long.

Have a wonderful weekend!
